44 leftSweet BasilThe Sweet Basil is an aromatic herb, popular for its taste and used widely for cooking.₱ 14932 leftLemon MintLemon Mint or Monarda Citriodora can add a citrus flavor to iced and hot teas.₱ 14939 leftGotu KolaMagrestock na raw ako ng halaman sabi ni Guil Gonzales. Ayan na po may laman na po ito uli.₱ 14910 leftGreen TeaThis Green Tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant which is commonly known as Tea Plant.₱ 14950 leftChocolate MintA plant that emits a highly fragrant natural smell.₱ 14916 leftCitronellaA plant that is popular for its insect repelling properties.₱ 149